Therapy is a collaborative process where we will work together on equal footing to achieve goals that you define. This means that you will follow a defined process supported by scientific evidence, where we both have specific rights and responsibilities. Therapy generally shows positive outcomes for individuals who follow the process. Better outcomes are often associated with a good relationship between us. To foster the best possible relationship, it is important you understand as much about the process before deciding to commit.
Therapy begins with the intake process. First, you will review our policies and procedures, talk about fees, identify emergency contacts, and decide if you want health insurance to pay your fees depending on your plan's benefits. Second, you will discuss what to expect during therapy, including the type of therapy, the length of treatment, and the risks and benefits.Third, you will form a treatment plan, including the type of therapy, how often you will attend therapy, your short- and long-term goals, and the steps you will take to achieve them. Over time, we may edit your treatment plan to be sure it describes your goals and steps you need to take. After intake, you will attend regular therapy sessions in-person office or through video, called telehealth. Participation in therapy is voluntary - you can stop at any time. At some point, you will achieve your goals. At this time, you will review your progress, identify supports that will help you maintain your progress, and discuss how to return to therapy if you need it in the future.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."
-The Serenity Prayer